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Wantedly vs LinkedIn: How Akiko Naka’s Startup is Reshaping Japan’s Job Market

An innovative businesswoman is transforming Japan's employment landscape. Among the boldest and most creative businesswomen in Japan, she is the CEO and founder of...

Ghazal Alagh: The caring mother of two becomes a pioneering beauty retailer.

In the ever-changing landscape of the beauty industry, innovation catalyzes profound change and evolution. This journey takes us into the heart of retail, where...

Tan Hooi Ling: Architect of Grab’s Triumph

On a journey through Southeast Asia's bustling metropolises, where innovation meets inspiration in the dynamic and fast-paced realm of Southeast Asia's tech industry, one...

Has the health of women benefited from technological advancements?

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the tech investment landscape toward women's health, heralding the beginning of the FemTech revolution. ...

A dreamer turned designer, Melanie Perkins proved age and gender did not matter for success

A true trailblazer in the tech world, a visionary entrepreneur, and the force behind one of the most successful design platforms globally is the...

3 Things to Consider If You Want to See an Increase in Female Entrepreneurship

In the ever-changing world of entrepreneurship, supporting the growth of female-led startups is essential for both the health of the economy and the advancement...