Industry News

Being a Woman: The Ultimate Balancing Act

Being a woman is like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. It’s a high-stakes circus act, and the audience is society, waiting to see if...

Top 10 Movies on Women’s Empowerment

Movies on women's empowerment have a unique way of telling stories that inspire, empower, and entertain us. When...

Unlock Your Curiosity: A Journey of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom”

Welcome to the fascinating world of women’s bodies! In Dr. Christiane Northrup’s groundbreaking book, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom,”...

The Hidden Superpower: Why Educating Women is More Important Than We Realize

Educating women is like adding a secret ingredient to a recipe—it transforms everything for the better! Have you...

The Various Roles of Women: A Day in the Life

Let's face it, women are the ultimate multitaskers, juggling various roles with grace, humor, and magic. Whether they're...

Liu Qing: The Chinese Woman Who Invested Billions to Battle Uber

Few stories in the fast-paced world of tech entrepreneurship hold the attention of readers more than the remarkable tales of remarkable people and trailblazing...

Managing the New Era: The Secret Recipe for Morden Women Redefining Balance and Empowerment

The idea of the "New Age" woman has become prominent in a world that is changing quickly, signifying a paradigm shift in how people...

Tan Hooi Ling: Architect of Grab’s Triumph

On a journey through Southeast Asia's bustling metropolises, where innovation meets inspiration in the dynamic and fast-paced realm of Southeast Asia's tech industry, one...

Has the health of women benefited from technological advancements?

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the tech investment landscape toward women's health, heralding the beginning of the FemTech revolution. ...

A dreamer turned designer, Melanie Perkins proved age and gender did not matter for success

A true trailblazer in the tech world, a visionary entrepreneur, and the force behind one of the most successful design platforms globally is the...

3 Things to Consider If You Want to See an Increase in Female Entrepreneurship

In the ever-changing world of entrepreneurship, supporting the growth of female-led startups is essential for both the health of the economy and the advancement...